Bill Gibson had seen how it was done, and he wanted to do it again. Only differently.
From the ground up, his father built the successful enterprise-software company, Manugistics. The experience showed Gibson the value of taking risks, being in charge and learning to thrive in a competitive, often uncertain marketplace.
Upon graduation from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, the Bryn Mawr resident went about learning his dad’s industry before spending some time in the venture-capital world. Then, he made his move. Instead of following his father’s client-server model, Gibson headed for the cloud. “It’s about e-commerce,” he says. “We’re trying to keep in touch with what retailers are doing. We have to listen to customers and continue to network.”
Headquartered in Atlanta, Deposco is committed to helping clients understand how to thrive in the growing online marketplace. Gibson is convinced that e-commerce is the
future and that, despite the success of Amazon and its ilk, we have yet to witness the true end result. “It’s going to take down the established methods,” he promises. For proof, Gibson likes to reference the trend that surfaced a few decades ago, when smaller stores began to succumb to the big-box model, leading to the Wal-Mart/Target phenomenon of today. The next step is for companies to work directly with customers, who can now shop from home.
Since few companies have the resources and infrastructure of an Amazon, they turn to Deposco to complete their online order management and distribution. “We handle fulfillment,” says Gibson. “We make sure the order is settled, and the right stuff gets in the box and to the customer as fast as possible.”