The Media Police Association

The Media Police Association was formed more than 25 years ago as a charitable organization endeavoring to help those less fortunate within the Borough. It was created with the idea of doing something useful with donations that individuals and businesses would often make to the police department.  

The Association has provided food baskets during the holidays and bought winter coats for children. They have partnered with local churches and bought Christmas presents for children whose parents couldn’t afford them. They also sponsor some of the local youth sports organizations. Their hope is that, by providing positive activities for the youth in the community, it will keep youth from becoming involved in negative behaviors.

Donation to the MPA from 7-year-old Anthony Costello:  Ptl. Gavin was flagged down by a woman in a vehicle on 4th St. Gavin met Julie Costello whose 7-year-old son, Anthony, collected $32.00 during the Media Garage Sale from passersby and others. The Costellos explained that Anthony wanted to collect money for a worthy group. Last year, Anthony supported a Greyhound rescue. This year, Anthony chose the Media Police Association. Anthony sold lemonade and pastries and collected donations in a big plastic jar. The accompanying sign urged people to support the MPD. Gavin and Bellucci accepted the money on behalf of the MPA. 

Our Best of the Main Line & Western Suburbs Party is July 25!