Richard B. Worley, 63, Bryn Mawr
Chairman of the Philadelphia Orchestra Association
» Books on his night stand: Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin. I heard James M. McPherson, a civil war historian, speaking about his latest book called Tried by War: Abraham Lincoln as Commander in Chief. I read it and two other histories of the Civil War. Since then, I bought more books to read more about it. It has just been fascinating.
» CD on repeat: Talking Heads—good music for working out—and, of course, the Philadelphia Orchestra.
» Restaurant of the hour: Bluefin in Plymouth Meeting and La Collina in Belmont Hills.
» Personal hero: Abraham Lincoln—I guess maybe because I’m reading about him.
» One thing he knows for sure: I don’t have all the answers.
» Very own vici: Convincing Leslie Anne Miller to marry me.
» Zen destination: A bonefish flat in the Bahamas.
» If he had an extra hour each day, he would: Exercise more—but I would probably read.
» Pet peeve: People who speak before they think.
» Passions: I’ve been fishing for more than 30 years and flying for about 16. Flying helps me get to the places where I fish.
» Life view: chance or fate? I think chance—but making the best of your chances.
» Most marked characteristic: It often takes me a long time to make up my mind.
» Qualities he admires most in others: The ability to listen and understand the meaning of a question, and the thought and feelings behind it.
» Mantra: Don’t worry about the past, focus on the future, and do the best job you can.