News & Gossip

Special “Teen Power” Edition

» It takes some major chutzpah to face the American Idol judges. So even though Havertown’s Kenny Hoffpauer didn’t make it past the second round of TV’s most coveted talent show, he still deserves a standing ovation for his rock-solid version of Jason Mraz’s “I’m Yours.” The remarkably mature 16-year-old held his head high as Simon let him down easy.

» Erin Van Yahres must know a few parenting secrets the rest of us don’t. Somehow she was able to coax her daughter, Kathryn Van Yahres, away from the computer and into some good old-fashioned fun—with turkeys. A 4-H Club member since she was 8, the 17-year-old recently returned from the Pennsylvania Farm Show with blue ribbons in the Grand Champion Turkey and Class Champion categories, surprising the pro she competed against—not to mention herself. And as an added bonus, she was named president of the Delaware County 4-H’s Poultry Club.

» And 13-year-old Nick Picarella, part of Philadelphia Rock Gym’s junior climbing team, took third place at February’s USA Climbing National Championships in Boulder, Colo., winning a bronze medal and landing a spot on the U.S. Junior National Team. He also earned an invitation to the next North American Continental Championships in 2010.

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Have an inside line on some juicy gossip? E-mail associate editor Dawn E. Warden at

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