MLT Musts

Things We Like

Photos by Luigi CiuffetelliThe Body Is Art—A Mentoring Guide for the Business of Massage and Bodywork
Diane Matkowski, iUniverse, Inc. (129 pages)

The world would be a much happier place if we all had a massage once a week. Alas, such decadence eludes us—unless, of course, you’ve been lucky enough to visit Diane Matkowski’s Freedom Massage in Paoli. A magician with her hands, Matkowski is also a savvy businesswoman. In her new book, she shares insights on the spiritual and business sides of her work, from client interaction to policies and procedures. Call (800) 288-4677 or visit

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Dream, Inc.
Michael M. Capuzzi, Persistent Marketing, Inc. (261 pages)

A must-read for anyone who needs a good kick in the pants, Dream, Inc. has a clear message: Successful entrepreneurs take action on their dreams—unlike many people who “have ideas but never do anything with them.” In this compelling series of inspirational stories, 32 local entrepreneurs share the challenges, mistakes, strategies and events that shaped their businesses and made them masters of their own destiny. Names you might recognize include Fran McGowen, CEO of CarSense, and restaurant mogul Dave Magrogan.

A is for Art Museum
Katy Friedland and Marla K. Shoemaker, Temple University Press (64 pages)

This whimsical, educational book from the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s Katy Friedland (manager of family and children’s programs) and Marla K. Shoemaker (senior curator of education) boasts 37 full-color illustrations of paintings, sculpture, tapestries, prints, photographs and installations from the museum. Aimed at kids 2-5, the book encourages enjoyment of the visual arts through preschoolers’ fascination with the ABCs games like “I Spy.”

Our Best of the Main Line Nomination Ballot is open through January 8!