standing, from left) Cara Wilkinson, Deborah Shipley and Becky Michael; (sitting, from left) Zubair Khan, Megan Armor and Bryan Messick.
We want to sincerely thank all of our community’s residents and visitors. Our ongoing efforts to make Media a destination in this region would not be possible without your support. We rely on your patronage at our many retailers, restaurants and service providers, which makes our town vibrant and progressive. We also appreciate the thousands of people who fill our streets during festivals and events, while our local businesses, nonprofits and corporate benefactors continue to help us exceed expectations with new ideas and possibilities for Media.
I encourage you to check out our business directory, where you’ll find an array of exciting places to visit. Go to visitmediapa.com, see what we’re up to, and join the fun!
— Bryan Messick, MBA President