Free Environmental Assistance for Small Businesses Earns Green Points

Major client includes Yellow Springs Farm, where Nancy Crickman and company worked to install solar system.

Photo by Jared Castaldi

Nancy Crickman

Director, Environmental, Energy & Technology Services, Environmental Management Assistance Program

Swarthmore’s Crickman runs this  specialized service out of the Wharton School’s Pennsylvania Small Business Development Center. It provides free, confidential environmental assistance to small businesses, helping to green them by first evaluating compliance, then looking at opportunities to introduce sound practices.

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 green initiatives: EMAP’s Pennsylvania Material Trader helps businesses and other entities find sources of free or low-cost raw materials, along with outlets for recycling and upcycling. 

local bragging rights: EMAP worked with Yellow Springs Farm in Chester Springs, offering environmental assistance with the installation and financing of a solar system, while helping to retrofit a barn to support processing of the farm’s award-winning goat cheese. 

green dream: “To have more incentives to help small businesses finance upgrades that will make them more green,” says Crickman. “Additional grants, rebates, aggregate purchasing or other incentives would help motivate businesses and consumers to take action.”

contact: (877) 275-3627,

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