Community of Business Owners, Friends and Kin Woven Tightly

Downtown bustles with neighborly vibe.

Have you ever tried to define the word “family”? We like this definition: Up until the mid-1800s, a Japanese family unit was considered those who worked together in a single village. 

And this one: The Arabic equivalent to American concept of family is “aila.” The root of that word means: to support. (Source: 

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Take a stroll in downtown Ardmore, and you will see examples of “families” all around you. Parents with children, partners sharing a meal, friends grabbing drinks and a show, business owners working to create partnerships. Some of our Ardmore business families have been here for years, and some are new to our town. But they all share the common spirit of support and cooperation that exists here. Our businesses work together to make Ardmore a town that your family will love.

A quick (and by no means complete) list of family-owned businesses that call Ardmore home includes the brother-and-sister team of John and Marian at Giannini Jewelers; Mapes stores, owned by the Benner family; husband and wife Mike and Cindy Silver of Law Firm of Silver & Silver; brothers Rick and Joe at Rossi Shoes; Scott Mahan and his mother, Peggy, behind the counter at Suburban Office Equipment; the Elkins family at Rittenhouse Electric; the Dohertys, who bought McCloskey’s in 2010; Swain Destinations; and more. Another venerable family-owned institution, Viking Pastries was recently the subject of a Food Network makeover that gave Viking the boost it needed for its next generation of family bakers. 

This established lot has been joined by a new crop of family-owned/family-oriented businesses built on a spirit of cooperation that has long characterized the business district. Ardmore’s newest Italian restaurant, L’aragosta, comes to us from Brigantine, N.J., and features the husband-and-wife team of Adele and Giancarlo Presta. (You may also find Giancarlo’s father-in-law back in the kitchen!) Joe Petrucci and his wife, Jennifer McCafferty, recently expanded their catering business, opening The Tasting Room. Ballroom dance couple Lana Rossi and Jean-Paul Paulovich sashayed off the big screen in Silver Linings Playbook to open Main Line Ballroom right here in downtown Ardmore. Not only are these businesses carrying on a long tradition of excellence, they’re also generating a buzz and a new synergy in Ardmore that can’t be ignored. 

Our downtown businesses work independently and together to create experiences that are unique to Ardmore. Miguel Gomez, owner of Viva Video! The Last Picture Store, has partnered with Melodies Cafe to offer Last Friday Move Nights, free monthly screenings of topical films or personal favorites. Miguel has seen just about every movie ever made, and he’ll be happy to help you make a selection from the more than 10,000 titles he has in stock. 

Another new kid on the block, Lulu’s Casita is a play cafe with a Spanish flavor. It’s been open just six months, and families are already in love with this Cricket Avenue gem. Lulu’s offers a warm and welcoming space for moms (or dads) looking for indoor fun for their children while sipping coffee and catching up with their grown-up friends. Lulu’s recently partnered with The Tasting Room for a Parents’ Night Out Valentine’s Day Special. Couples dropped off the kids at Lulu’s and dined kid-free at The Tasting Room.  (What a fabulous idea!)

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It will probably not come as a huge surprise that we love Ardmore. We love the proud community, the touches of history that abound, the businesses that have chosen to make their home here, and the residents who have dedicated their efforts to making this a place we’re all proud to call our own.  This is our Ardmore, our family—and there’s no better time to make it yours, too.

Our Best of the Main Line Nomination Ballot is open through January 8!