Coffee Cozy

Chilling at home today? Then grab your classy glass mug and give your warm morning brew an extra kick.

If this February is anything like last year’s, we’re going to spend a lot of time snowed in. To truly savor a cozy day off, spiking your morning coffee is a good place to start. Kim Strengari, owner of the Gypsy Saloon and Stella Blu, both in West Conshohocken, recommends two coffee cocktails, which she serves in glass mugs.

For her Chocolate Wonderland recipe, drizzle chocolate syrup along the inside of the mug, add hot coffee, Frangelico hazelnut liqueur and Godiva white chocolate liqueur, and top it off with whipped cream and more chocolate syrup. Her Mexican Surprise includes coffee, Patrón XO Café (coffee liqueur made with tequila), Pinnacle whipped-cream vodka and whipped-cream topping. For an added indulgence, dip a piece of dark and spicy Aztec chocolate into the mix—or experiment with flavored coffee beans and creamers. Don’t hesitate to mix and match—it’s harder to commit a coffee error than it is to shovel out your car.

To create the best-tasting drink, use impeccably brewed coffee as a base, grinding the beans immediately beforehand to preserve their flavor. And drink up right away to avoid bitterness.

Our Best of the Main Line Nomination Ballot is open through January 8!