Top Lawyers 2012

The area’s best attorneys in 15 categories.

For our latest Top Lawyers ranking, we turned to Avvo, a Seattle-based company that rates and profiles dental, legal and medical professionals. Avvo’s proprietary algorithm is based on a 10-point scale, factoring in peer endorsements, along with experience, education, training, research, publishing and awards. Ratings are consistently refreshed online based on new information gleaned from lawyers and certifying, licensing and disciplinary boards. Click here to access our full directory.

Among those lawyers who earned top rankings, a few had interesting stories to tell. Read about the interesting cases from some of this year’s top-ranked attorneys.

Medical Malpractice/Personal Injury Law: Tim Rayne

Real Estate Law: James Tupitza

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Family Law: Jacqueline Segal

Divorce Law: Kate Vetrano

Criminal Defense: Lee Ciccarelli

PLUS: A Q&A with Kathleen and Tom Wilkinson — Attorneys, spouses and heads of the two largest bar associations in the state.

Our Best of the Main Line Nomination Ballot is open through January 8!