Things We Like

Dangerous Neighbors by Beth Kephart and more.

Dangerous Neighbors
By Beth Kephart (Egmont USA, 192 pages)

In her 12th novel, award-winning author and Main Line Today contributor Beth Kephart escorts readers into the world of 19th-century Philadelphia—onto the Centennial grounds, over the icy Schuylkill River, down Walnut Street and through Rittenhouse Square—as twin sisters Anna and Katherine experience love, tragedy and a coming of age. Set against the backdrop of the 1876 Exhibition, Dangerous Neighbors celebrates the often-mysterious bond between twins. Entertaining, haunting and unforgettable.

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The Ultimate Philadelphia Athletics
Reference Book 1901-1954

By Ted Taylor
(Xlibris, 457 pages)

Ted Taylor reintroduces fans of today’s successful Phillies to Connie Mack’s A’s—who won nine pennants and five World Series titles, then left town in 1954. The former president of the Philadelphia A’s Historical Society, Taylor was 13 at the time, and he was crushed. His obsessively researched tome offers 1,200-plus bios, a list of the two-team Philadelphians and conversational analysis throughout. One chapter even makes a case for enshrining more than just the 20 A’s already in the Hall of Fame.

100 Artists of the Brandywine Valley

By Catherine Quillman (Schiffer Books, 240 pages)

Wyeth and Pyle aren’t the only names to come out of the Brandywine River Valley art scene. West Chester writer and Main Line Today contributor Catherine Quillman introduces readers to many others, from painters to sculptors to photographers. More than 400 images accompany her in-depth profiles. Also of interest: a look at where many of the works were produced. After all, old barns and historic buildings aren’t exactly your typical studios.


Our Best of the Main Line Nomination Ballot is open through January 8!