Things We Like

Scot Sax’s While She Was Working and more.

While She Was Working
Scot Sax (MilkBoy Recording)

Local singer/songwriter Scot Sax released the full-length CD Maybe Charlene Fusco Was Right last October. But since we like it so much, we decided to start with his upbeat, six-song While She Was Working, written and self-recorded over just 10 days in 2008. Like his latest disc, it proves Sax can wander in new directions without straying too far from the heart of his classic pop soul.

Philadelphia Originals
By Joseph Glantz
(Schiffer Publishing, 304 pages)

A veritable crash course in all that’s cool about the City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia Originals is the perfect match for anyone who’s ever called Philadelphia home. Bucks County’s Glantz delivers one of the most satisfying regional tomes we’ve ever come across—packed with information about the city’s food, style, cultural and architectural assets, movers and shakers, history makers, and more. Next time you have a few hours to do nothing, do something worthwhile and read this book.

Not a Fire Exit
By Christopher M. Finlan
(Milverstead Publishing, 214 pages)

The debut novel from this Wayne resident and Temple University grad is part comedic love story, part mystery. More sobering is its brush with the fatal genetic illness spinal muscular atrophy, which was inspired by the story of Malvern’s Zane Dunlap, a 5-month-old baby girl who died from the disease last spring. Her mother, Hillary Dunlap, shared her story with Finlan and wrote the book’s touching foreword. A portion of the proceeds from each copy of Not a Fire Exit sold goes to Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (

Our Best of the Main Line & Western Suburbs Party is July 25!