The Downside to Furniture

There’s an easy way to ensure that your child doesn’t pay the price for a heavy piece of furniture.

You know I’m passionate about getting the word out on potentially dangerous products. Lately, there’s been a lot of attention given—and rightly so—to the millions of recalled cribs. Last month, 2.2 million were recalled, and 9 million over the past five years.

But what doesn’t get as much attention is adults’ furniture. I know you’re probably thinking, “My furniture?” But in an instant, a television stand, an armoire, a chest of drawers or any other kind of furniture can come toppling over onto a child.

Sometimes, children pull the furniture onto themselves by climbing and reaching for something. (Where do we put things that we don’t want them to have? Up high.) Even though they weigh a lot less than the furniture, sometimes a tug is all it takes. Other times, they just bump into a piece while they play.

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But falling furniture is just as easy to prevent. It costs pennies and only a few moments for you to protect your children. Here are two quick tips:

1. Find a way to secure your furniture—and theirs—to the wall. I’ve installed “L” brackets that attach first to the furniture and then to the wall.

2. Sit televisions low enough so there’s no chance of them tipping over.

For more advice, visit

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