Staff Picks: The Lift Up

Produced and performed on the Main Line, the Lift Up have the backing of Grammy-nominated studio whiz Jim Salamone.

This seasoned indie-rock trio has a third of its roots in Malvern, where bassist Larry Zappaterrini lives and works. Coproduced by the band and Grammy-nominated studio ace Jim Salamone (Grover Washington Jr., Bon Jovi) at his Cambridge Sound Studios in Newtown, the recently released Without Dreams, We Are Only Sleeping is a frequently edgy, hook-laden affair that hearkens back to the simple, propulsive pleasures of much-missed area threesome Flight of Mavis. With families and other income streams, the Lift Up aren’t out to be world-beaters at this stage. But they can certainly whip up a controlled frenzy.


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Our Best of the Main Line Nomination Ballot is open through January 8!