It all started in Grandma Gaglioti’s house. She had an in-home salon where she cut hair—and so did her son, Joe Sr. But Joe Jr. didn’t think he’d go into the family business. “I was doing heating and air conditioning,” says Joe Jr. “My dad had his own salon in Glen Mills by then. He asked if I wanted to shampoo on Saturdays and I thought I’d try it.”
Within a month, Joe Jr. was hooked. He went to cosmetology school, joining the salon in 1991. Since then, the industry has changed. “Salons and spas have became incorporated into one destination spot,” says Joe Jr.
The Gagliotis took the concept to another level with their current 3,000-square-foot spa and salon in Glen Mills. What would Grandma think? “She’d probably be shocked,” admits Joe Jr. “And then she’d want a massage.”