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Does your life feel like a grind? It could be burnout. A Main Line psychology offers six tips to help you recharge.
Does day-to-day life seem boring? Do basic daily responsibilities feel like a chore? You could be experiencing burnout.
Burnout isn’t a medical diagnosis. It’s a syndrome stemming from chronic and excessive stress. Common symptoms include physical exhaustion, blunted emotions, loss of motivation, a negative outlook on life, and an overreliance on alcohol or recreational drugs to cope. When facing stressful times, most of us believe that once we get things under control, we’ll feel better. Those experiencing burnout may not have any hope that making positive changes will bring about relief. That hopelessness is a main symptom of burnout. And it can spill over into our relationships and our physical and mental health.

Here are some tips to put the brakes on burnout.
- Take a break. Whether it’s just for a few hours or a full week, stepping back from routines or a busy work schedule allows for psychic space and rest.
- Delegate tasks. Certain personality types are more prone to burnout—especially perfectionists, who tend to be overly concerned with making mistakes and the perceptions of others. They often keep long work long hours and hold themselves to idealized standards. For perfectionists, learning how to ask for help is essential.
- Get physical. When our bodies feel stronger, so do our minds. Yoga, walking and other types of exercise can help.
- Decrease screen time. We’re still learning about the effects of social media on our emotional health. In general, studies show that spending time glued to our screens contributes to depression and anxiety, which compound burnout.
- Be mindful of how you spend your free time. Spend time with friends and family. Sharing our burdens with those closest to us helps alleviate symptoms of burnout.
- Talk to a mental health professional. Sometimes burnout is a symptom of another underlying issue. Talking to a therapist can be an opportunity to refocus on what really makes us happy.
Related: 4 Worthwhile Ways to Tackle Boredom From a Main Line Expert