Readers Respond to Women in the Ministry

One reader thought many more female pastors could have been named.


Women of God

At first, I was very interested to read “Women of God” in the February issue. However, I was surprised and disappointed that your article mentioned nothing about certain female pastors who lead significant churches on the Main Line: Susan Ericsson, lead pastor at St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church in Devon; Rev. Carolyn Cavaness, the first woman pastor in the 120-year history of Bethel AME Church in Ardmore; or pastors Agnes Norfleet, Rebecca Kirkpatrick and Rachel Pedersen of Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church. 

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In fact, it seems like the article’s author didn’t even try to research who the women pastors on the actual Main Line are. In overlooking them, or “underlooking” for them, you’ve done a disservice to your readers and totally undermined the veracity of your magazine’s content. 

Sharon Humble

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