Readers Respond to Our August 2015 Issue

What you liked—and didn’t like—about our story on parochial schools.

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Parochial Schools Are Coming Back Stronger Than Ever

Great article. But I’m concerned that all high schools are only wanting college-bound kids. Not all kids are college kids. What about those with learning disabilities? Why not help them, too? Are they not deserving of a Catholic education, too? 

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Susan Lewitt Turner, Philadelphia

You go, Frank! Can’t tell you how happy I am to hear what you’ve been able to accomplish at [Archbishop Carroll], this school we love so well.

Bill Grogan, Philadelphia

Great for the small minority who can afford it.

Lorraine Lopez Dumas, Raleigh, N.C.

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Main Line Shelters Go From Shabby to Chic

I read with interest “Shelter Chic” in your May issue. I was dismayed and totally at odds with some of the regulations for adopting an animal, like denying a dog a loving home and freedom because of a fence. Having the love of family and freedom is much better than pining away in a shelter. 

I am 91 years old and have had dogs all my life, without a fence. I love them, and would love to see a dog get the freedom and love it deserves.

Gloria Franklin, Berwyn

Our Best of the Main Line & Western Suburbs Party is July 25!