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Parochial Schools Are Coming Back Stronger Than Ever
Great article. But I’m concerned that all high schools are only wanting college-bound kids. Not all kids are college kids. What about those with learning disabilities? Why not help them, too? Are they not deserving of a Catholic education, too?
Susan Lewitt Turner, Philadelphia
You go, Frank! Can’t tell you how happy I am to hear what you’ve been able to accomplish at [Archbishop Carroll], this school we love so well.
Bill Grogan, Philadelphia
Great for the small minority who can afford it.
Lorraine Lopez Dumas, Raleigh, N.C.
Main Line Shelters Go From Shabby to Chic
I read with interest “Shelter Chic” in your May issue. I was dismayed and totally at odds with some of the regulations for adopting an animal, like denying a dog a loving home and freedom because of a fence. Having the love of family and freedom is much better than pining away in a shelter.
I am 91 years old and have had dogs all my life, without a fence. I love them, and would love to see a dog get the freedom and love it deserves.
Gloria Franklin, Berwyn