Q&A: Animal Coalition of Delaware County’s Stephanie Swanton

The organization’s president shares what she loves about the region and her work.


As president of the Animal Coalition of Delaware County, Stephanie Swanton handles the foster care and adoptions of hundreds of area pets.

Stephanie Swanton’s Five Favorite Things

1. The Quincunx By Charles Palliser “It’s a combination of mystery and math—two things I enjoy.”

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2. Rex. “We fostered this little gray Staffordshire Terrier who was injured with mange and very sick. He went through an amazing journey of recovery and found a lovely home.”

3. John Heinz Wildlife Refuge. “It’s very peaceful, and it’s nice to bring the dogs there.”

4. Red Wine. “I love to sit outside with friends and relax with a glass.”

5. PetValue. “They’re incredibly generous to the coalition.”

MLT: How did you become involved with ACDC?

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SS: My friend passed way and left behind a number of cats that her family members could not take care of. I always grew up with a dog—my mother and I were allergic to cats. Later on in life, my husband and I took on his grandmother’s cat. [Plus, our neighborhood] had a few strays. We started caring for them and rehoming them with local veterinarians. But it really wasn’t until my friend passed away that I got involved with animal rescue. I called around local shelters and many of them said they couldn’t guarantee that her cats will find a home [or that they] won’t be euthanized. That’s when I started looking for local groups, and ACDC was just forming.

MLT: What’s the most rewarding part of your work?

SS: Watching a foster pet get rescued, get the medical care required, and really learn and thrive in foster care. It’s so rewarding when you can see both the pet and the family [together] and that they’re going to be really happy.

MLT: Tell us a little about Cat Nook Café.

SS: This year we’re opening up a cat café in Norwood. It really gives us the required space to hold volunteer meetings and showcase our adoptable pets in a very friendly environment. It gives us the opportunity to really expand our outreach.

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