Q&A: Stephanie Simmerman

Philadelphia Museum of Art tour guide for the exhibit, An Eakins Masterpiece Restored: Seeing The Gross Clinic Anew.

Stephanie Simmerman, 59, Gladwyne
Volunteer guide, Philadelphia Museum of Art’s
An Eakins Masterpiece Restored: Seeing

The Gross Clinic Anew

» Books on her nightstand: Little Bee by Chris Cleave and South of Broad by Pat Conroy. My favorite is South of Broad. It explores the various lifestyles in Charleston, S.C. I like when a book has complex relationships among people.

» Musical artist on repeat: Lady Antebellum; they have a unique sound right now. I can understand and relate to their lyrics.

» Restaurant of the hour: The Old Guard House Inn in Gladwyne. It’s convenient, and you can count on the quality.

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» One thing she knows for sure: There’s nothing in the world that brings more joy to my life than my grandchild.

» Very own vici: Raising two wonderful children who’ve become great adults.

» Zen destination: We have a house in Stone Harbor, and that’s a wonderful refuge. Not very far away, but you feel far away.

» If she had an extra hour each day, she would: Hit the gym.

» Life view: chance or fate? I’m probably closer to chance.

» Pet peeve: When people repeatedly check their Blackberrys.

» Most marked characteristic: I enjoy people. I like figuring out what their views are, their interests, and what they bring to conversations. I really enjoy being a guide because I get to meet people from all over.

» What’s so cool about The Gross Clinic? It has all these Philadelphia connections coming together in one painting. Also, it’s really fun to see the process of conservation, to bring that painting back closely to how they would’ve seen the colors and contrast at the time (1875).

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» Quality she admires most in others: Honesty.

» Mantra: Enjoy the moment.

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