Q&A: Matthew Schmidt

Cast member for the national tour of Grease.

Matthew Schmidt, 25, Downingtown
Understudy and ensemble member for the national tour of Grease

» Books on his nightstand: I just finished A Million Little Pieces by James Frey. It was a little depressing at first, but it’s got a great message. And I’m just about to start Timeline by Michael Crichton.

» iPod artists on repeat: Amos Lee and Marc Broussard. I usually put them on to fall asleep. It’s really calm after a long, stressful day, or when there’s more drama off the stage than there needs to be. I also like a lot of pop rock.

» Restaurant of the hour: The Drafting Room in Exton. If you want a nice, calm dinner, it’s a little more intimate. And the food’s great.

» Personal hero: My grandfather. He always just does what he wants to do and enjoys it. That’s kind of what I’ve based my life off of—just going with the flow and doing what makes you happy.

» One thing he knows for sure: Change is the only thing that is constant.

» Very own vici: Graduating from Penn State University.

» Zen destination: My parents’ home. I always love going back there. That’s the place where I can truly relax.

» If he had an extra hour each day, he would: Write. I’ve been doing my own personal studies on screenwriting and short stories, reading books by playwright Syd Field. We have a lot of time during the day on tour, so it’s nice to find a creative hobby.

» Life view: chance or fate? I’d like to think fate, but I feel like a lot of [life] is you going out and getting it yourself.

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» Most marked characteristic: Everybody always calls me “Mr. Nice Guy.”

» Quality he admires most in others: Confidence.

» Mantra: Follow the path least taken.

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