Q&A: Local Fashionista Kristy Mak-Lytle

The owner of Nich Boutique in Collegeville shares her style.

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Personal Style

I love everything. There are some days I’m very dressy in a button-down and ankle jeans, or other days where I am very boho. I can’t box myself into one category.

Origins of Her Boutique

I’d worked in several different facets of retail. I decided in January of 2007 that I wanted to open my own women’s clothing boutique and, by June, I had the space in West Chester. I ended up moving to the Collegeville area. One thing kind of led to another, and it felt like a really good business opportunity to open in Collegeville.

What She Loves About Her Boutique

It’s really the people—having that customer who comes in, doesn’t like to shop and really doesn’t know what she’s looking for, and then we help her head to toe.

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Her Styling Philosophy

I do a lot of closet edits as well [as personal shopping]. It’s not a Marie Kondo situation, but rather going into [clients’] closets and taking what they already have and pulling it together as flat lays. I layer pieces and bring in jewelry and shoes, so when they get dressed in the morning they can swipe through their phone and have outfits already picked. It makes their lives so much easier.

Where She Shops

Besides grabbing things from Nich, I love going to ASOS online. I never go to the mall for myself, usually just for personal shopping for my clients.

Every Woman Should Own

A white V-neck shirt. It can be dressed up with jewelry for a night out or dressed down for a trip to Wegmans with a pair of sandals.

Most Sentimental Piece in Her Closet

For my wedding, I also had a Chinese tea ceremony. And the year I got married, my mom went to Hong Kong and had a dress specially made for me. It’s a beautiful red floral baroque piece, and it’s really just the most special dress hanging in my closet.

Our Best of the Main Line Nomination Ballot is open through January 8!