Karen Lotman, 70, Haverford
Founder of the Macula Vision Research Foundation;
owner of Karen Lotman Productions
» Books on her nightstand: Cleopatra: A Life by Stacy Schiff. I also started Stephen Sondheim’s Finishing the Hat. But neither one is a quick read.
» CD on repeat: My new album, Beyond Words, which features Mark Nadler and the lyrics of Ira Gershwin, with music by George Gershwin.
» Restaurant of the hour: Georges’ in Wayne.
» Personal hero: My husband, because he helps me to be who I am, and he’s tremendously helpful to the community.
» One thing she knows for sure: The most important thing is family. And right up there with that is education and giving back to the community.
» Very own vici: Mark Nadler just did a concert at the Mann Center for 5,000 people, and we’ve been working together for years. Having gotten to that point is something I’m very proud of.
» Zen destination: Probably my bedroom. I’m not a beach person or a destination seeker. I just try to find peace and quiet within myself.
» If she had an extra hour each day, she would: Read more.
» Life view: chance or fate? Both. We make our own fate to a certain degree—what we do with it is up to us.
» Pet peeve: I can’t stand phrases like “comfort food,” “Renaissance man,” “Let’s get together for lunch,” and, especially, “Let me pick your brain.”
» Most marked characteristics: I’m extremely enthusiastic about the things I do, and I have no hesitancy in expressing my views—good or bad. My grandkids always say, “If you want to know where you stand, just ask Grandma.”
» Quality she admires most in others: Honesty.
» Mantra: Try to find or appreciate something good every day.