Q&A: Donna Phillips

Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital President

Donna Phillips, 42, Malvern
President, Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital

» Books on her nightstand: I’m reading Breaking Dawn, which is from the Twilight series. I heard so much about it, and my daughter wants to read it, so I’m pre-reading it for her. I’m also reading Why Hospitals Should Fly: The Ultimate Flight Plan to Patient Safety and Quality Care.

» iPod artist on repeat: Bruce Springsteen. I love him.

» Restaurant of the hour: Teca in West Chester. It’s an Italian place—great food, great atmosphere.

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» Personal hero: My mom’s mom. She gave me a strong foundation on life. She was always the solid person in the family. She taught me a lot about respect and the nature of humans.

» One thing she knows for sure: You have to have balance, or you’ll go crazy. Balance is key for success.

» Very own vici: Definitely my family. My husband is an amazing person. We try very hard to have balance, and we’re always home for dinner with our children.

» Zen destination: The beach early in the morning or early in the evening, when there aren’t a lot of people. That’s the one place where I can relax and feel very peaceful. Lately, I’ve been doing the Sea Isle/Avalon area.

» If she had an extra hour each day, she would: Take the time to write more personal notes to people, or see people I don’t always get to see.

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» Life view: chance or fate? I say neither of them. I think we drive our own paths, our own destinations. It’s the way you view what happens—I may hit a road bump, but I’m going to make it this mountain or I’m going to make it this molehill.

» Most marked characteristics: Perseverance and focus.

» Qualities she admires most in others: Honesty and a sense of humor.

» Mantra: Be true to yourself. You’ll figure out who you really are.

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