Dr. Susan Levy has spent 30 years at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia—much to the benefit of area children with autism. In the late 1980s, she cofounded CHOP’s ADHD program, launching its regional autism center, where she remains the director. “Autism is an incredible developmental disorder that has so many aspects screaming for more understanding and research,” says Levy, who lives in Ardmore.
Twelve years ago, Levy joined epidemiologist Dr. Jennifer Pinto-Martin in applying for a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that continues to fund research on the risk factors and causes of autism. Levy is also the medical director of CHOP’s Center for Autism Research, and she recently received her master’s degree in public health from the University of Pennsylvania.
When it comes to autism, there’s still much work to be done—and Levy isn’t slowing down. “I see a complete difference in how I’m better able to help families now who have children with autism versus when we were just starting on this,” she says. “My hope is that we continue to progress so children can develop the best they can.”