POST: Reader Letters

Reason for Hope
In response to J.F. Pirro’s “Hope and Healing” [September 2007], thank you for the coverage of Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary. There are still a few details, however, that I believe your readers would appreciate.

Despite every effort to be available for this story, miscommunication about the story’s direction and scheduling conflicts delayed the interview process. In addition, although information was conveyed to Pirro electronically, it was not reflected in the article.

Despite the article’s depiction of a campus with a less-than-robust student presence, there are actually more than 300 men and women studying in Saint Charles’
religious studies division and almost 160 seminarians in our college and theology divisions, with a further 150 persons involved in the permanent diaconate program. In addition, most of the artwork referenced in the article is not of “mostly deceased cardinals” but of scenes from Scripture, the lives of the saints, alumni photos and ordination class pictures.

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Again, please know that I am grateful for your coverage of a difficult topic.

Monsignor Joseph G. Prior
Rector, Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary


In November 2007’s “Know Your Schools” feature, an illustration inaccurately portrayed the Haverford School as a co-ed institution. It has always been a school for boys. And in the “Renovation Rundown” chart included with the same story, Rosemont School of the Holy Child was misidentified as Holy Child Academy.

Our Best of the Main Line Nomination Ballot is open through January 8!