Patricia Woody Reeves

President, PWR Consulting Group

Patricia Woody Reeves retired last year from a successful 34-year career with the Navy. Woody Reeves, however, wasn’t dreaming of a permanent vacation. She is currently running her own defense-consulting firm, PWR Consulting Group, in Glen Mills. “Primarily, my expertise was in machinery systems for Navy ships and submarines and aircraft carriers,” she says. “After the Navy, I decided I would utilize my expertise, and I would work to develop a woman-owned small business where I will compete for contracts in defense—primarily the Navy.”

Woody Reeves is also extremely passionate about mentoring young girls to consider careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and closing the gender gap in those fields. “I’m hoping that—through mentoring, involvement in speaking at schools, and consulting with companies—some things can start to change,” she says. “Engineering has an impact on everything we do in society, and it does improve the way we live. I think if they don’t view it as a male field and realize it’s very creative, and not boring, then young girls would consider it. The conversation needs to begin very early.”

Our Best of the Main Line Nomination Ballot is open through January 8!