Nahjee Grant
Dear Mr. Grant,
Thank you so much for coming to speak to our class. Your talk was incredibly inspiring. Your books are truly amazing, and I like that you use them to motivate kids to believe in themselves and pursue their dreams like you did.
Your words motivate me to not take anything for granted, to always try my hardest, and to maintain a positive outlook on life, no matter what troubles befall me. You shine a light on a huge issue that’s, unfortunately, getting bigger: white privilege. Your firsthand accounts and honest words made it a lot easier to grasp.
It’s important to overcome our differences and work together, rather than to keep stereotyping each other. It reminds me of a quote I once heard: “Hatred does not cease through hatred. It ceases through love.”
—A letter from Teresa Lu-Romeo, seventh-grader, Bala Cynwyd Middle School