3 Thoughtful Gift Ideas for Anyone Who Loves the Main Line

Things We Like

Bojibian (self-released)
A well-executed kitchen-sink cocktail of pop, post-punk, classic rock and more, Bojibian—the band and the EP—is the sound of four remarkably self-assured early-20-somethings, with ties to Saint Joseph’s University, Ardmore and Manayunk, having what sounds like an awful lot of fun as they show off their impressive chops. The group’s rock-star good looks are no doubt already a hit with the ladies, and their witty, upbeat music has a giddy charm all its own. To learn more,

Absolutely Organized: A Mom’s Guide to a No-Stress Schedule and Clutter-Free Home
Debbie Lillard (North Light Books, 187 pages)
Victor Hugo once said, “Where no plan is laid, chaos will soon reign.” Professional organizer Debbie Lillard couldn’t agree more—and after quoting the venerable Hugo, she lets us in on her common-sense secrets like creating calendars to keep the kids’ activities in check and combating the ongoing dilemma of “so many clothes, but nothing to wear.” With three kids of her own, this
super-together Main Line mom is one
battle-tested expert.

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Insiders’ Guide to Pennsylvania
Dutch Country

By Marilyn Odesser-Torpey
(Globe Pequot Press, 268 pages)

Main Line Today travel editor Marilyn Odesser-Torpey encourages readers to get lost in Lancaster and beyond in this detailed, comprehensive guide. Whether you’re looking for a fun day on the farm or dinner and a show in town, all the best options are here—just in time for fall. Torpey even suggests places to live if you’re ready to relocate. And why not? She did, recently moving to Lititz.

Our Best of the Main Line Nomination Ballot is open through January 8!