Jenn Rose

Loose Screws Contemporary Tap Company

Jenn Rose, 26, West Chester
Choreographer, Artistic Director and Founder
Loose Screws Contemporary Tap Company

» Book on her night stand: The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. I don’t read much, but that book was cool.  

» iPod song on repeat: Fiona Apple’s “Extraordinary Machine.” I used the track in a recent concert.  

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» Restaurant of the hour: Marathon Grill in Philadelphia.  

» Personal heroes: Mia Michaels, [most recently] the judge from So You Think You Can Dance. Her work moves me to create my own work. But I find a little bit of hero in everyone I meet, I guess. My close friends constantly challenge me and make me realize that I am capable of more than I think I am.  

» One thing she knows for sure: One word—believe. Just know that it’s going to be what it needs to be.  

» Very own vici: Finding the courage, confidence, support and people to help me think up Loose Screws, and then to have sold-out [debut] performances both nights [April 4-5].  

» Zen destination: The beach is my happy place. 

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» If she had an extra hour each day, she would: Take all of the people I love, put them in a room and be with them.  

» Pet peeve: When people tell me to relax or calm down. I like to feel what I need to feel at that moment—even if it’s anxiety.  

» Most marked characteristic: My ability to make all feel welcome and comfortable.  

» Life view: chance or fate? A perfect combination of both. Those chance moments come from knowing they’re going to come.  

» Qualities she admires most in others: Their talents. Everyone’s got something; everyone’s got a role. I love to find out the cool and unique things people are capable of.  

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» Mantra: Keep it moving forward. Keep improving. Keep learning.

Our Best of the Main Line Nomination Ballot is open through January 8!