Inside Line

News & Gossip

» You go, girl: New York-based filmmaker, social activist and Bryn Mawr College alum (1987) Sarah Schenck recently made a promotional appearance for her first feature film, Slippery Slope, at the Bryn Mawr Film Institute. The thought-provoking comedy examines the controversial issues of feminism and pornography through the eyes of its protagonist, a young filmmaker trying to raise money for her feminist documentary. They’ll be no spoilers here—you’ll have to seek your own viewing. The film won the Best Feature Award at the 2007 Broad Humor Film Festival in Los Angeles. Schenck is already working on her second film, Primitive Streak, and a new website, Parent Earth, designed to answer questions about food and creating a more sustainable world. »

» Educational first: Montessori Children’s House of Valley Forge has officially opened on Ivy Hollow Farm in Valley Forge National Historical Park, making the move from its old home in Phoenixville to its new multimillion-dollar digs. It’s believed to be the only private school located in a United States national park. Talk about a nonstop history lesson.

Editor’s Note: This is the final installment of Inside Line. Sad to see it go? E-mail

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