How Readers Feel About Crebilly Farms

One points out the new traffic patterns and congestion likely to result from the development.


The Battle for Crebilly Farm I will preface the following with the fact that I’m a capitalist and a staunch supporter of property rights, including the right to sell.

But as a new homeowner in Westtown Township, I’d like to point out that there are several issues [involving the Crebilly Farm development] that are disturbing—and nary a mention of them. 

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First, it will benefit Toll Brothers for a few quarters of earnings, and then they’ll be off on their next venture. In the meantime, we’ll have a great increase in the already terrible traffic at Routes 202 and 926, a bump in noise and air pollution from the 500-600 new cars, and a spike in the additional time required to navigate the township. Having moved to West Chester from Havertown, I looked forward to the lower level of congestion. 

Further, there will be a greater strain on already crowded schools. The only relief for that is overfilled classrooms being moved into temporary modular spaces, or new construction. Both of these solutions will require additional staffing and most likely higher taxes for existing residents.

Lastly, the new inventory will put pressure on current home values. As there will be significant competition for the existing houses on the market, new buyers will seek the new construction, forcing existing owners to lower their prices when they seek to relocate. Consider what’s happening right around the corner.

Getting agitated once the construction, noise and traffic begin is too late.

Doug Thomas 

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