Hot Plates Awards 2013: Goat Cheese Dumplings, Amani's BYOB

Goat Cheese Dumplings from Amani’s BYOB in Downingtown.

Kennett Square morel, maitake, hedgehog and yellowfoot mushrooms make a rich bed for dumplings filled with creamy Amazing Acres goat cheese—all of it served in a cast-iron skillet. A truffled sabayon accentuates the earthiness of the mushrooms, while a balsamic glaze rounds out the dish with a subtle sweetness. “It’s been on our menu in some manner since we opened and has been refined through the years into the dish it is today,” says chef Jon Amann of his standout appetizer, which is so popular it’s offered for brunch, lunch and dinner. $13.

105 E. Lancaster Ave., (484) 237-8179,

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