It’s a chore no one likes doing. You pack up your old and/or unused clothes, smelling like mothballs and mildew, throw them into a cardboard box or a trash bag, toss it in the trunk of your car and drive eight miles down the road to the nearest Goodwill or thrift shop. Instead of wasting two or three hours of your precious weekend, you could instead hire Helpsy.
Thanks to a partnership with The Wardrobe in Upper Darby and Philadelphia, Helpsy now offers free clothing pickups in Bucks, Chester and Montgomery Counties. All items collected will be recycled and reused, benefitting The Wardrobe’s program for those experiencing clothing insecurity.
So how does one get on this special list for pickup? Simply visit the website and put in your address to request. Helpsy’s drivers make pickups from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., and you don’t even have to be at your house when the truck arrives. Just leave three or more bags out like it’s trash day, and your clothes will be whisked away to a better home. Best of all, the service is completely free.
After huge successes with its programs all across the Northeast U.S. in cities like Boston, Worcester, Manchester, Stamford, Tom’s River and dozens more, the expansion to the Philadelphia metro is a big step for Helpsy.
Its partnership with local businesses like The Wardrobe has made the process an easy one.
“We are looking forward to expanding our home pickup footprint to Pennsylvania by partnering with The Wardrobe to provide a free, easy and convenient way for consumers to reuse and recycle clothing,” says Dan Green, co-founder and CEO of Helpsy. “It is exciting to not only further our mission of keeping clothes out of the trash and minimizing textile waste, but also to provide such a meaningful service to The Wardrobe’s supporters and clients.”
Of the clothing that is picked up, 75 percent is considered reusable. These items go to stores like The Wardrobe, where they end up on shelves or go to community benefit programs. Twenty-five percent of the clothing is recycled and turned into rags or stuffing/insulation for industrial use. Only five percent of the clothing is actually disposed of entirely.
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Every year, The Wardrobe upcycles over 200,000 pounds of gently used and new clothing, cutting down on the extreme environmental strain the garment industry puts on our planet.
As Helpsy and The Wardrobe both look to the future, this partnership is beneficial for both of the businesses and the Main Line community, who are provided a no-cost service while Helpsy’s range continues to grow and The Wardrobe acquire funding and more clothes for its programs.
“The Philadelphia community is stylish and generous, and this partnership with Helpsy allows The Wardrobe supporters a convenient way to recycle their clothing while generating operating revenue for our organization,” says Sheri Cole, Executive Director of The Wardrobe. “Funding generated from this partnership will allow The Wardrobe to continue providing free clothing to anyone experiencing clothing insecurity in our region.”
Related: Your Complete Guide to Shopping Around the Main Line Area