Healthcare Heroes 2013: Kathi Evans, RNC, BSN

Crozer-Chester Medical Center

Photo by Jared CastaldiBirthing babies, building hospitals—Kathi Evans does both. An obstetrics nurse at Crozer-Chester Medical Center and the founder and president of Touching Lives Ministry, Evans is spearheading the construction of a medical center in Sanjweru, Kenya. Sanjweru officials donated 12 acres of land to the project; Evans convinced Engineering Ministries International and Water Missions International to craft architectural plans for the center and its well. Construction on the first phase begins in 2014. “Phase 2 involves building modular additions to the clinic, creating dispensaries in other villages, and an ambulance service,” says Evans. “It’s a big plan, I realize. But why would I plan small?”

Evans’ medical missions have taken her to Trinidad, Nepal and India, but it was Kenya that had the most profound impact. “It was a God thing,” she says. “A series of circumstances told me that Kenya was the place the hospital needed to be.”

Evans isn’t waiting around. She’s already providing medical care in Sanjweru through Touching Lives. “In five days, we saw between 2,200 and 2,500 patients,” says Evans. “The dentists saw 350 patients and pulled 900 teeth.”

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Raising $250,000 for hospital construction is Evans’ next task. 

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