HABITAT: Expert Advice

Your Home Improvement Questions Answered

Your Home Improvement Questions Answered

Question: I’m about to put my house on the market. Just how important is curb appeal?

Answer: Linda Pillion of Main Line Curb Appeal in Wayne (mainlinecurbappeal.com) Curb appeal is by far the most important issue to address when contemplating selling your home—it can make or break selling it. Needless to say, if you can’t get a potential buyer in the door of your home, you’re never going to sell it.

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Most people make a decision as to whether they’re interested in a home within the first 30 seconds of seeing it from the street. If it isn’t appealing on first impression, eight out of 10 potential buyers won’t call and make arrangements to see the inside. Neatness is key. If a seller can’t afford to add or change their landscaping, cleaning up the yard is a great start. Studies show that a $500 investment in the yard of an average home can yield $5,000 to the seller at settlement. Creating curb appeal isn’t rocket science, but many things can be done to sell a home more quickly.

Have a question for an expert? E-mail tbehan@mainlinetoday.com.

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