Bryn Mawr Trust’s Ted Peters

Ted Peters, 57, Rosemont
President, Bryn Mawr Trust

Book on his night stand: I’m reading a book right now called The Trouble with Islam Today by a female Muslim named Irshad Manji. I’ve always been fascinated by different religions.

iPod tunes on repeat: I still like Linda Ronstadt. My favorite is “Different Drum,” a song from when she was still with the Stone Poneys.

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Restaurant of the hour: Old Guardhouse Inn in Gladwyne. Nothing on the Main Line comes close to it.

One thing he knows for sure: That the most important thing is your family and your faith. Friends and everything else come well after that.

Very own vici: The thing I’m most proud of is a bank I started in 1985 with a small group of investors. We sold the bank seven years later with a return to the original investors of almost 600 percent.

Zen destination: We go to the Tryall Club in Jamaica three or four times a year. I like to play golf where there aren’t too many people around.

If he had an extra hour each day, he would: Read. I have a large stack of books and periodicals next to my bed that’s gaining on me.

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Pet peeve: People who don’t keep their word. When you come across one, just get rid of them.

Life view: chance or fate? Definitely fate. You have to work as hard as you can, but you can’t help anything that happens after that. Being fatalistic is also one of the best ways to handle stress, and it’s a confirmation of my spiritual view that there is something out there bigger than us.

Most marked characteristic: Hopefully I come across as friendly and trustworthy.

Mantra: We’re all accountable for our actions.

Our Best of the Main Line & Western Suburbs Party is July 25!