Andy Susko, 51, Malvern
President, Pennsylvania Bar Association
Book on his night stand: 9/11 Commission Report.
iPod tunes on repeat: Any jazz.
Restaurant of the hour: Brasserie Perrier. It’s in the Le Bec-Fin family, but modestly priced.
Personal hero: Roberto Clemente. My parents grew up in Western Pennsylvania, so I’m a lifelong Pirates fan. Clemente always fought for justice. He was killed in a plane crash on the way to help rescue earthquake victims in Nicaragua. He did that in the off-season, just after he’d reached 3,000 hits.
One thing he knows for sure: Honesty is truly the best policy in the practice of law. Abraham Lincoln said, “Resolve to be honest at all events; and if in your own judgment you cannot be an honest lawyer, resolve to be honest without being a lawyer.”
Very own vici: The flagstone walk at my house. It made my wife very happy. Professionally, the proudest moments have come in the courtroom trying cases.
Zen destination: Any lake in Vermont and any mountaintop—places to feel the awe of nature.
If he had an extra hour each day, he would: Read for pleasure.
Pet peeve: People who give me more information than I need to solve an immediate problem. Time is so scarce.
Life view: chance or fate? I believe it’s a mix. In some respects, a lot of things are out of your control. But I do believe in a higher power—and that things generally happen for the best if you conduct yourself honorably.
Quality he admires most in others: Optimism. When I see people generally upbeat, it’s inspiring.
Most marked characteristic: Focused.
Mantra: Get it done.