Main Line Chamber President Bob Pucci

Bob Pucci, 59, Berwyn
President and CEO, Main Line Chamber of Commerce/Main Line Chamber Foundation

Book on his night stand: Marley and Me by John Grogan.

iPod tunes on repeat: I love jazz.

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Restaurant of the hour: Yangming.

Personal hero: My predecessor, Karl Schauffele. He’s the reason why I’m here. He could see me as a good fit—and at the time, I couldn’t see it. He passed away in 1997, 10 or 12 months after retiring.

One thing he knows for sure: The importance of happiness in one’s life.

Very own vici: The fact that I’ve worked hard to achieve everything I have in my working career. Nothing’s been handed to me.

Zen destination: Spending time at the Jersey Shore or on the Delaware Bay overlooking 15 miles of open water. It’s the epitome of my wife’s and my dreams.

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If he had an extra hour each day, he would: Write a couple of personal notes to people who are important to me.

Pet peeve: Petty: Open magazines up and things fall out all over the floor. Real: people who take liberties—who make up their own rules against the grain.

Life view: chance or fate? Chance. In my own life, there have been points when, by going the direction I did, it made a major difference ultimately.

Quality he admires most in others: Integrity. It’s part of your infrastructure as a person. With good integrity, it filters to everything you do.

Most marked characteristic: Sense of humor. I’ve been in banking for 29 years, so making people feel comfortable with what I’m talking to them about is very important—and it comes naturally to me.

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Mantra: Quiet achievement. Work hard and do things the best you can.

Our Best of the Main Line Nomination Ballot is open through January 8!