Frank DeSimone, High-powered Main Line Attorney
Book on his night stand: Any history biography. I just finished Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin, about Abraham Lincoln. I love fiction, but I don’t read fiction.
Favorite CD in his car: Classical music. I’ve got a lot of favorites so it’s hard to tell you one, but I can listen to almost any opera or aria—especially something like Rigoletto or Puccini.
Restaurant of the hour: Well, my wife picks them and I just follow her around. But if I have to pick, I’d say Teresa’s in Wayne.
Personal hero: It used to be Winston Churchill, but times have changed and I guess I’ve evolved into [Abraham] Lincoln. I like what I read in the book: He stood up for causes that were unpopular, but they were always the right moral decisions.
One thing he knows for sure: That I make my mistakes.
Very own vici: My two boys and my wife.
Zen destination: Italy. I’d be visiting Puccini’s birthplace in Lucca, Tuscany.
If he had an extra hour each day, he would: Read.
Pet peeve: Not having enough time for myself to do the things I like to do.
Life view: chance or fate? Someone that I hadn’t seen in a while told me once, when I said I was a lawyer, that he remembered me saying I wanted to be one when I was 15. I don’t know—is that chance or fate?
Most marked characteristic: Loyalty.
Quality he most admires in others: I like in a sense of humor and genuine caring for others; I also admire sincerity and honesty.
Personal mantra: Integrity.