Fond Farewell

Yes, it’s time. I will be retiring on Aug. 1.

Time flies. I joined Main Line Today almost 14 years ago, back when the magazine was in its infancy. October 1996 seems like yesterday, but that’s what happens when you’re having fun.

Those early years were exciting. Always up for a good challenge, I knew we could offer our readers and advertisers everything a quality regional magazine should. Still, I must admit, it was a little scary at first. Many start-ups don’t make it past three years.

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It helped that we’re the sister publication of Delaware Today, an established title with a 48-year history. If they could do it, so could we. A few years later, some were calling us “the little engine that could.” We were on our way.

A lot has changed in the magazine industry since then. Technology has altered the way we do business on a daily basis. But one thing is certain: People haven’t changed—and that’s a good thing. I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many interesting folks, making many friends along the way—and new ones every day.

Needless to say, it’s been fun working with the MLT staff over the years. Some of us have been together from the beginning. Deadlines, deadlines and more deadlines; we got through them together—even if, some days, we wondered how.

I’m most proud of the money we’ve raised for so many worthwhile organizations through our signature events. It takes a lot of time and energy to produce such consistent results over the years—especially with our Best of the Main Line and Western Suburbs Party, which just enjoyed its 13th successful running late last month. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to causes you truly believe in.

As I take inventory of my career at Main Line Today, I’m especially grateful to Today Media, Inc.’s CEO, Rob Martinelli, for giving me the chance to be part of a great organization that believes in supporting its own while giving back to the community at large. Without his support, none of our success would’ve been possible.

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On a more personal note, I’m looking forward to spending more time on the Chesapeake Bay with my husband, Stephen, my daughter, Jennifer, my son-in-law, Brian, and our grandson, Phillip—and traveling to faraway places while knowing that I won’t have to return to the office 10 days later.

Time is something to be enjoyed and shared. I’ve enjoyed my time at Main Line Today and sharing it with all of you. As loyal readers of MLT, you will always be special to me.

Not to worry, though, I’ll be around. And until we meet again, I hope you’ll continue to enjoy Main Line Today every month.

Sally Holub

Our Best of the Main Line Nomination Ballot is open through January 8!