Finding Ways to Get Unstuck

When life doesn’t feel like it’s moving forward, these steps can help.

Feelings of personal stagnation happen to everyone—and that rut often feels beyond our control, causing us to question our purpose, life path and decisions, past and present. When this happens, life can seem confusing, hopeless or uninspired. Often, self doubt, fear of making mistakes, ambivalence, and not wanting to get out of one’s comfort zone are predominant causes. It is normal to suffer feelings like this and it’s important to remember that changes begin within us. Here are five steps to get you moving again.

1. Curb the self-talk that begins with “I have to …” and “I should …” which can make us feel stagnant or oppressed.

2. Do one thing you enjoy everyday. It will bring you new and positive energy among the more mundane daily tasks.

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3. Take a break from social media. It can have a negative impact on self-esteem and induce envy, inhibiting us from having substantial relationships. Focus on pursuing personal goals and live in the present instead, by taking a break from social media.

4. Do something outside your comfort zone. It will help develop personal growth, reduce self-doubt and give awareness of what brings you joy.

5. Accept feeling stuck. Sometimes the more we resist an emotion or thought, the stronger it becomes. Allow yourself to be present in this emotion so mental energy can go toward moving forward.

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