12 Holiday Gift Ideas From Main Line Stores for Family and Friends

Your closest friends and family deserve the best this holiday season with these spectacular gift ideas from Main Line area shops.

Are you part of a white elephant or Pollyanna gift exchange this year and not sure what to get? Or just not sure what to get a family member? Here are some marvelous gifts ideas that anyone in your life would love.


Strange Planet Activity Book, with more than 100 pages of crossword puzzles, mazes, word searches and matching games for kids 8-12. $10.99, Children’s Book World, 17 Haverford Station Road, Haverford, childrensbookworld.net

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gift for family

Mionetto Cartizze DOCG, crisp and elegant Italian cru, with lots of bubbles. $28 at Pennsylvania Fine Wine & Good Spirits, finewineandgoodspirits.com


Herringbone blanket, made from organic cotton grown in the USA by Wyncote-based American Blossom. Starting at $195, americanblossomlinens.com

gift for family

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Wynnewood chef Lee Wallach’s Home Appétit, delivering a week’s worth of customized, fully prepared meals throughout the Main Line region. Starting at $100, homeappetitphilly.com

water pitcher

Simon Pearce Bristol bar pitcher, crafted through Old World glassmaking techniques. $160 at Simon Pearce, Suburban Square, Ardmore, simonpearce.com


Therapedic Sleep RX soft and cool down alternative comforter.$200 at Bed Bath and Beyond, bedbathandbeyond.com

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chocolate gift

Assorted Mondiant Gift Set, sustainably sourced chocolate with peanut butter, cacao nibs, hazelnut and caramel fillings. $32 at Éclat Chocolate, 24 W. High St., West Chester, eclatchocolate.com

facial gift

Ambari Complex4 Hydrator Cream, high-performance, anti-aging skin care.$96 at Neiman Marcus, King of Prussia, neimanmarcus.com

shimmer spray

Captain Blankenship Golden Waves Sea Salt Shimmer Spray with gold mica. $28 at Ulta Beauty, ulta.com

shampoo bar

Green Ablutions zero-waste shampoo and conditioner bars, created by Phoenixville’s Natalie Lennick. $10.99 at Kimberton Whole Foods, 429 E. King Road, Malvern, kimbertonwholefoods.com; and Sweet Mabel, 235 Haverford Ave., Narberth, sweetmable.com

bath bomb gift

True Being bath bombs. $20 at CBD Kratom, 443 E. Baltimore Ave., Media, cbdkratomshops.com



Our Best of the Main Line Nomination Ballot is open through January 8!