Dedicated in her memory, the Violette de Mazia Foundation in Wayne was established as a charitable trust in 1991 by de Mazia’s will and funded by her estate after her death in 1988. The organization develops and underwrites programs, projects and activities that advance, teach, study, promote and support the aesthetics and appreciation of art based on the theories, methods and approaches of Barnes. In 1950, Barnes named de Mazia director of education at his foundation, then trustee and perpetual director of education after his death in 1951.
While it has provided financial support, the de Mazia Foundation isn’t a Barnes affiliate—and it doesn’t take a position on The Barnes’ proposed move to Philadelphia. Beginning in September 1997, de Mazia’s classes were held for six years at The Barnes, a privilege that cost $75,000 annually. Thereafter, its contract wasn’t renewed. “We weren’t charging our students, and they were,” says Marcelle Pick, the foundation’s president. “They felt we were taking their students away.”
Now the two foundations are talking again, and “something positive” is around the corner, says Pick.
In the meantime, the de Mazia foundation continues to work with West Chester University, Main Line Center for the Arts and other local institutions. To learn more, visit