50 Best BYOBs: What We Got Right, What We Missed

And kudos to End of the Line writer Katie Bambi-Kohler.


More BYOBs 

I enjoyed “50 Best BYOBs” (February 2015), but you overlooked two great ones in Havertown. Nais’ Cuisine on Benedict Avenue (it’s been there for 25-plus years) and the new Pepperoncini on Eagle Road. The menus are very different, but the food and service are excellent. 

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Joanne LeVeque, Havertown

Since I mainly go to BYOBs, I’ve been to almost all of the 50 on your list, and there are 10 that barely qualify as restaurants. Vecchia Pizzeria has very good pizza, but only four tables and mainly takeout.

How Marigold Kitchen got left off the list is beyond me. The food is both great and innovative. And Lotus Farm to Table I’d put way ahead of some of those on the list. A newcomer that’s maybe too far out of town for most would be Wyebrook Farm. Everything served comes right from their farm, and it’s wonderful setting—especially in the warmer months.

Charles Ruffing, Schuykill Township

Kudos for Katie

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I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading Katie Bambi-Kohler’s End of the Line essays. When I moved here from Northern New Jersey two years ago, I was sure I’d never again feel surrounded by the proud, tradition-rich Italian culture so prevalent where I was raised. Her writing makes me feel
more at home.

Tonia (Pezzolla) Pickel, West Chester

Our Best of the Main Line Nomination Ballot is open through January 8!