Main Line Today March 2010

The Bright(er) Side

There's no sugarcoating the fact that 2009 was a challenging year for everyone—and that...

Tiptoe Around the Powerful

Sentences for WWI draft dodging were less than a year—but not for Grover Bergdoll.

Q&A: Donna Phillips

Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital President

Things We Like

Think Confident, Be Confident by Leslie Sokol and Marci G. Fox, and more.

Lived In

A Newtown Square family gets settled—one room at a time.
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A Real Lifesaver

Fifty years after its FDA approval, the Pill has a new calling.

Luck of the Irish

Thanks to a Narberth couple, McGillin’s is still pouring at 150.

Field of Dreams

As Delaware County prepares for its pro soccer debut, our senior editor gets to the heart of the sport’s success on the Main Line.

Easy Commute

For casual 9-to-5ers, dressing down has become a classy new art form.

Hot Property

Awe-inspiring abode in Malvern.
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Our Best of the Main Line Nomination Ballot is open through January 8!