Main Line Today June 2008


Reader Letters Extra Credit Looking over your list of movies made on the...

Feel the Bloat

A cross between an all-terrain run and a beer bash, the “sport” of hashing makes working out a raunchy exercise in fun—and one Main Line group is in the thick of it.

Jeopardy winner Jake Marini

Ardmore’s Jake Marini wasn’t really sure why she was worthy of coverage in Main...

Artsy Elegance

A pair of (almost) empty nesters upgrade to a revamped gatekeeper’s house in Villanova.

Tangled Web

Unraveling fibromyalgia’s precarious mind-body connection.
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Forty Feet and Friendship

You can learn a lot from a game of horseshoes.

Joining “Arnie’s Army”

Golf is a game for individualists, but even they watch out for each other.

Linda Grobman

Radnor Township schools superintendent

Cute Couture

Peanut Butter & Jane in Wayne

News & Notes

» Out with the old, in with the new: A new menu, that is—from...
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Our Best of the Main Line Nomination Ballot is open through January 8!