» Local is as local does: We’re a month into the One Local Summer challenge, which encourages eco-conscious citizens to create a meal each week using locally grown ingredients—spices, oil, salt and pepper notwithstanding. Every Sunday, participants e-mail a link to their respective OLS post to be included in the Farm to Philly blog (farmtophilly.com) every Tuesday. Even if you’re not onboard, follow along for some great recipes.
» One woman’s loss is another’s gain: After a short, sweet stay along Lancaster Avenue in Berwyn, the boutique-y bistro M is no longer. No word on what officially prompted the demise of Gayle Teti’s labor of love, but one can assume the soft economy was a factor. Now open, Meredith’s, another chic Berwyn BYO, occupies bistro M’s former home. For more scoop on Meredith’s, see Dawn E. Warden’s foodie blog.