‘Iron Chef’ Jose Garces Urges Diners to Donate to Charity

As part of May’s “Dine In, Help Out” initiative, restaurant goers are asked to skip one night out and donate to St. Christopher’s Foundation for Children.

If you’re thinking about going out to eat in the coming week, you may want to pass—all for the sake of St. Christopher’s Foundation for Children. Jose Garces is aboard the monthlong “Dine In, Help Out” movement, when Philadelphians and Main Liners are encouraged to skip dinner at a restaurant for one night in May and donate the money they would have spent to help families in North Philadelphia obtain healthy, fresh and affordable food through the Farm to Families Initiative. Instead, gather friends and family for a “Dine In.” You can find a full how-to, including sample invitations and Garces’ own recipes, at dineinhelpout.org.

Our Best of the Main Line Nomination Ballot is open through January 8!