EPICURE: Great Gifts

Shop with Taste

Shop with Taste

Even seasoned chefs need inspiration. And likewise, we elves could use a pinch of guidance. With so many gadgets out there, the options are dizzying. Whether you’re shopping for a seasoned cuisiner or a hapless hash slinger, we’ve got lots of ideas to spice things up.

Brilliant in design and color, silicone is hot—and heat-safe up to 650 degrees. From Chef’n, there’s space-saving, collapsible measuring spoons ($9.95) and cups ($19.95). Fusion Brands’ Poach Pod ($10) is great for making eggs, pancakes and petite crème caramels. Silicone Zone’s The Grid ($7.95-$9.95) potholder/trivet/jar-opener is pleasantly squishy and squashy, terrific for safe grabbing and easy gripping. Fusion’s Food Loop ($15) is made of colorful, flexible, reusable techno-twine that’s heat-safe up to 675 degrees. Chef’n’s Flexicado ($15.95) slices and scoops your avocado in one easy motion, while Mastrad USA’s Okra wine stopper ($5.95) prevents drips and keeps your bottle fresh. Williams-Sonoma’s handcrafted Peppermint Bark makes an ideal hostess gift.

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Fans of Emile Henry and Le Crueset cook and bake ware will delight in the season’s vibrant color palate—fig, Provençe green, lime and maize. For the budget conscious, there’s a comparable line from celebrity chef Mario Batali in eye-catching Tuscan shades.

Local experts Hope Fox (Impress for Less), Ellen Yin (Forklore), MLT travel editor Marilyn Odesser-Torpey (Hershey Pennsylvania Cookbook) and Masaharu Morimoto (Morimoto) provide fresh eye candy (pictured above) for the culinary library. And if you’ve got space to spare, Viking’s outdoor kitchen suites (pictured left) will fulfill even the wildest al fresco fantasy.

Our Best of the Main Line & Western Suburbs Party is July 25!